'Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.'
--William Newton Clarke
It's Saturday and I'm feeling soulful, introspective and well, in wonderment really, at how much my life as changed in a year. The relocation of our family from the Midwest to the Southwest and leaving our home, family and friends behind has taken a lot out of me physically and emotionally. As we settle in a little more each day though, I'm finding my mind charging with ideas and fresher, more defined goals.
How do you relate to that? What life altering events have you experienced recently? Do you go with the flow and let the universe unfold your future for you or do you dig in your heels and carve out a clear solid path?
Today I'm:
.....amazed & grateful for the view out my window: beautiful blue skies & fluffy white clouds while listening to one of my 'sounds of nature' CDs
....happy that my hubby took time from his demanding schedule to do some sight-seeing with me last night (pictured below: Val Verde Winery right before sunset - the light was incredible, what a peaceful & serene setting.....sigh)
.....so glad that I happened upon this artist's blog, she makes me think - I like that :)
Soulful Saturday - join me for the next one, won't you?
7 years ago
Hi Laura...glad you came by and said hello. It's so nice to 'meet' you! Thanks for the link and the kind words.
Moving is exciting but can be stressful, especially the first year in a new place. I'm sure you'll soon be making new friends and putting down roots. Your illustrations are lovely and I'll be back soon to have a good look around.
Well look at you!! Nice to hear from you. I'm glad you made it to Texas safely.
My husband and I( and our 3 cats) drove from Rhode Island to California 15 years ago. It took us 6 days and 5 nights! We came out here on vacation first and I fell in love with the Monterey Peninsula. My husband was bored with R.I. (he grew up there) and he wanted to move to Los Angleles to do his writing. No way would I move to L.A., so we compromised. I got a job at a veterinary hospital while on vacation and in 10 days we moved out. I'd never do it that way again! It was too much, too fast, and sadly the job didn't work out. The first 2 years were a huge struggle because it's so expensive here, but once my husband found steady work and we made a few friends, life was better. Now this is one of the best places I've ever lived! And guess what? My husband desperately wants to move back to R.I. more than anything! I'll go if he finds work, but leaving "paradise" will be tough. Besides, I've made 10 times the friends he has, and I've really found a niche in the art community. Still, I always bloom where I'm planted and I still have friends and family back there.
So, I can relate to your big move!
What I do like is that the move expanded my world. It's the biggest thing I've ever done, leaving my friends and family, butI've grown so much from the experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Best of luck to you and your family as you settle in and find your wings. I have a feeling you'll do just fine, and if you want to talk on those hard days ( and there will be some of those), I'm just an email away :)
I love the photos...esp the clouds!
Keep us posted!
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