Saturday, September 17, 2011

Illustration Fri. - 'mesmerizing'

6x8, artist crayons, watercolor, colored pencil, charcoal, ink on cardboard

For IF's word prompt this week 'mesmerizing' - this is the second piece of a small set I'm working on (the first one is here) with all the pieces having a circus based theme.

I've always found everything related to the circus, county fairs or midways 'mesmerizing'. The fun and festivities, colorful costumes, games of chance, thrilling rides (although you won't see me lining up for many of them) & magical atmosphere have always intrigued me. It's so much like life at times, yes? :>

Have a creative week friends + be well.

7 comments: said...


Unknown said...

I love your character design.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Laura, I think this is a very good job!!!!

Heather said...

that's so funny - we are on the same page with our thoughts. ha ha - mine comes from the stress i have been dealing with lately and all of the back to school activites, people and places in our lives the last two yoga teacher had actually spent the class that day discussing "balance" and we were going apple picking! hee!
your mixed media's are fun! I like the special softness you've got going!
hope you stay "balanced"

Artsnark said...

lovely piece. Looks like a nice series you've started here. Thanks for popping by with your kind comment - I haven't rec'd my copy of 100 illos yet .Can't wait :)

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Your colors are gorgeous. This looks like it will be a very successful set! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Love your new pieces with the circus theme. Beautifully done. I hope you are doing well. Sending my love to you and Sarah. :)