My offering for IF's word prompt this week boundaries. I was a bit stuck at first and really wasn't sure how I could create anything for this challenge that would speak to me. But then I started thinking about personal boundaries - you know like not being able to say no to art projects/ commissioned work, relationships or job ruts that we may find ourselves in, or even people who want us to commit to things we really feel that we don't have time or energy for - although sometimes it's a good idea to have a close friend or loved one push you out of your 'zone' :)
I don't know about you, but lately I've been feeling like life is a big circus, travelling 'round and 'round, giving us all a curtain call when it's time to do our act (lol)
6x8, artist crayons, watercolor, colored pencil, charcoal, ink on cardboard
"Learning how to set boundaries is a necessary step in learning to be a friend to ourselves." - anon
Trying to find balance and stay focused on my hopes & dreams while trying to maintain my personal boundaries is where I'm at right now, so I decided to do an intuitive-based piece. I didn't want to do any guesswork so quickly gessoed up a few pieces of cardboard (I recently purchased some books online and kept the padding inserts) I started laying down some fluid inks, artist crayons, charcoal, pens - whatever was in front of me.
This afternoon I started on the other 2 pieces and to keep the recycle / reuse thing going, I cut up some paper grocery bags to make another one of my beloved paper bag journals...
Have a fabulous week friends!
7 years ago
Lovely, and I'm feeling very inspired to create now!
Love it, great colors!
LOVE this.
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