Monday, January 30, 2012

IF 'forward' and Paint Party Friday

A gift from me to you for your personal use: a desktop calendar page.
Click to enlarge, download + enjoy :)

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"If we really think that home is elsewhere and that this life is a 'wandering to find home,' why should we not look forward to the arrival?” - C.S. Lewis

For Illustration Friday's word this week 'forward' and also for everyone over at PPF! My journal page depicts pretty much the colors I viewed outside my studio window today: blue sky, winter-barren trees and not a smidge of snow to be found even though we had a white Christmas - on a side note I changed the color of the grass, it's more 'beige' than green right now.....

Wasn't sure what I'd do for 'forward' but realized I've quite a few things coming up in February & March that I'm looking 'forward' to. One in particular is a special project I'll be working on all month long in February (hint: it's similar to one I did 4 yrs ago for leap year). I also signed up for a watercolor & pastel workshop at our local museum and just over the past weekend, an online journaling class with the talented Ms. Judy Wise - whew, I'll be busy!

What are you looking 'forward' to right now? How about that extra day in February, why not plan an artist's date for yourself? If you can, set up a whole day of creating in your studio - lock the door & tell your family to order a pizza for dinner :>

I hope I've inspired you to do something special to spark your creativity and maybe even stretch your artistic muscles a bit. Don't forget to check back for the start of my project later this week, btw I may just have a giveaway or two planned, xo


  1. This is great! Very nice style and colors, and a little dreamy.

  2. This is such a beautiful piece!
    Belated Happy PPF wishes!
    Sheri Cook

  3. just the thing I needed to see on a gray morning. Thanks, Laura.

  4. Such a cute tree with the hearts!

  5. Hi Laura! Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. Loving your February page! Have a great weekeend!

  6. Oh LOVE your heart tree! Brilliant. :)

  7. Wonderful! What alovely blog you have! My first time here and it won't be the last! Patsy from


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