Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas + Illustration Fri. - 'messenger'

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

My offering for IF's word this week 'messenger', a quick sketch in my moleskine journal. I had a few ideas but with limited time today decided to go with the dove - a 'messenger' and eternal symbol of peace & hope. I was curious to see if there were any other references to doves, with respect to animals as personal totems and found this bit of commentary:

Dove/Pigeon's gifts include - bringer of peace and love, understanding of gentleness, spirit messenger, communication between the two worlds, maternity, femininity, prophecy.

Doves carry the energy of promise. When inner agitation is banished from our thoughts, words and feelings, the goodness awaits us. So we are able to receive the gifts doves present us, healing on all levels - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually - is of utmost importance.

The Dove represents peace of the deepest kind. It soothes and quiets our worried and troubled thoughts, and enables us to find renewal in the silence of mind. In these moments of stillness we are able to appreciate the simple things in life.

I couldn't have phrased that last line any better, I think I'll add it to my wish/vision board that I put together every New Year.

Wishing you all the blessings, joy & peace of the season - however you celebrate it.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I also used doves in my illustration... yours is beautifully done! I also love the soft gentle sound of the cooing of doves. I love the overall feeling of this work - softly falling snow, the evergreen twig in the dove's beak and the green trees.

  2. Merry Christmas, my friend.
    This is a lovely image to represent the season.

    I think I'll do a dream board for the new year too.♥

  3. How beautiful, Laura! Merry Christmas and I love dove - they are very peaceful looking and symbolize peace as well like you said!

  4. Beautiful! I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas! We got a nice little Christmas present - another house. I have a blog talking about our little adventure at . I thought you might want enjoy seeing and reading about it. Miss you! :)


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