Wednesday, December 1, 2010

hello december....

and hello to you out there on this first day of december...

yes i am still around and trying to be productive, i hope you are too

today i'm feeling gratitude for all the good in my life: the people, the places, the happy moments, the sad & silent moments too (for they make me appreciate the happy ones even more)

i came across this somewhere, a few fill-in-the-blanks to help prompt you into practicing an attitude of gratitude - mine, just off the top of my head, are shown in blue

i'm grateful for... LOVE
my life would be dull if it weren't for...all the crazy, fun, fascinating, talented people i've met
the following people make my life richer...because they...(these could be people you personally know or people who simply inspire you) there are a lot of people i could list here but i'll simply say this: you know who you are because i've already told you so and why
i don't know what I'd do :>
i appreciate the following things about myself...honesty, creativity, sensitivity, giving, determined
this year I've been blessed with...TIME (and at certain points it felt like a curse because it seemed to go so slow with no progress in important areas of my life, but now i see it as a necessary blessing in disguise to help me move forward in the right directions)

in the spirit of the season, i've decided to host a giveaway soon (for my 200th post) so please stay tuned for that... sneak peek below, handpainted wood tiles w/magnets, each one features my original art, no two are exactly alike. they're mounted on blank greeting cards for gift-giving. i'll be giving one or two of these away & the rest will be for sale in my new Etsy shop very, very soon :>


studio lolo said...

hey there you!

I love opening your page and seeing that magnificent bird on the header. It always makes me smile.

I also like the top of the dresser with things you love on display. Are those anniversary cards?? I see a ♥

I'm having a tough time lately. I don't think this move has been good for me at all. I'm trying not to wallow in it though :(

I still have so much to be grateful for even though I'm still unemployed 18 months later.

I've been waiting for you to open your Etsy shop. I wish you all the best, of course!

Hugs and blessings~


Kris Reichart-Anderson said...

I'm grateful for friends like you 8-)

Susan Tuttle said...

hello sweet Laura:)))
Wishing you and yours a most merry holiday season! You are one special lady.


moongipsies said...

lovely idea... thanks for posting!

Hope to re-post this grateful theme again in a blogpost.

Wonderful photo!