Monday, May 31, 2010

June Journal Page

Hope you & yours enjoyed the holiday weekend! I squeezed in some time to start a new pg for the first week of June so it's ready to go as I have lots on my to-do list this week - I don't want any excuses to hold me back from filling it in :)

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What's on your creative plate? Do you have a surefire plan to help you stick to what you want to accomplish, this week - this month? Have you been inspired to start journaling or journal more often?? I really believe that writing our goals, hopes and dreams down sends a positive, powerful message out to the universe, one that reverberates back to us with this answer: YES.

Wishing you a fabulous week & as always, be well.

1 comment:

Susan Tuttle said...

This is so beautiful Laura!! -- what a happy, sunny week! I also write things down -- can't imagine not doing that. I hope you are well my friend and had a great holiday weekend:)