colored pencil, moleskineDo you daydream? Do you find yourself daydreaming much lately? I find that I tend to daydream more when I'm introspective & need to sort things out. However, lately it seems to stem from all the ideas and sparks of inspiration I've been experiencing!
Almost everyone does it naturally and psychologists estimate that we daydream 1/3 to 1/2 of our waking hours, although a single daydream lasts only a few minutes. Because our society today tends to focus on 'getting things done', daydreaming is viewed in a somewhat negative light. To some it may seem frivolous, indulgent or that of someone who is unproductive, but it's actually quite beneficial.
It's been known to help you:
1. Relax
2. Manage conflict
3. Maintain relationships
4. Boost productivity
5. Cement your beliefs and values
6. Boost creativity and achieve goals
7. Relieve boredom
(Source: Article -'Why Does Daydreaming Get Such a Bad Rap?') http://www.webmd.comSo remember to indulge in daydreams - you just never know where they can take you!